Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I built a rocket ship!

Yes, Yes I did and I am so proud of it.  This is for a friend and I'm working on a  truck for her too, but couldn't wait to show this little guy out.  The main body is done with no seams, hard to believe but it's true!  Even the bottom, I worked to make sure was smooth and seamless :) The windows are felt sewn onto the knit body after it was fully stuffed. 

The rocket pillow is super soft and cuddly and I'm having a hard time letting it go.  My son is not as interested in it (he's 3.5), but maybe I'll make him a similar one!

knit rocket pillow

Also, finally made use of the baby jars I've been saving up since the time my daughter used to eat organic baby food.  Running a risk of being called a hoarder (love that show) I've been keeping these (about 10 or so) in our Tupperware drawer and driving my husband mad!  But here they are in all their cuteness. :)


More fun stuff to come!